Realm of Arkon
author: G. AKELLA
over 500.000
genre: Fantasy, LitRPG / Cyberpunk
translation possible from: Russian, English
rights available: Czech, German, Hungarian, Polish, SlovakRealm of ArkonPlay to Live
author: D. Rus
400.000 plus amazon
genre: Fantasy, LitRPG / Cyberpunk
translation possible from: Russian, English
rights available: all except Czech, Germany, Italy, Poland, USD. Rus, Fantasy, LitRPG / Cyberpunk, Play to LiveSquadcom-13
author: D. Rus
100.000 plus amazon
genre: Space Opera, LitRPG / Cyberpunk
translation possible from: Russian, English
rights available: all except Czech, Poland, USSquadcom-13The Way of the Shaman
author: Vasily Mahanenko
copies sold: 100.000
genre: Fantasy, LitRPG / Cyberpunk
rights sold: Germany/ LübbeThe Way of the Shaman